Friday, March 27, 2009

Whitworth--a University with Soul!

Whitworth University is a University with a soul—they know who they are and what they want to be. Their President, Bill Robinson (or “B-Rob” to the students) says in his book, Leading from the Middle, Whitworth was endowed “with a fierce embrace of both Christian conviction and intellectual curiosity;” this ‘rare alchemy of conviction and curiosity’ left him the task of transforming ‘the way Whitworth College thought about itself, its mission and its potential.’ Because of this clarity of vision by the President and his efforts, the University has an almost palpable sense of its value!

The School of Education (SOE) has a Conceptual Framework that is the foundation of the School. They are [to be] Scholars, Community Members, Effective Practitioners, Visionary Leaders, and Guardians. The students are screened upon entry into the program, at the end of the initial ‘block’ set of courses and prior to student teaching and included or excluded at each of those times from the teacher education program. Each student must demonstrate their fulfillment of the Conceptual Framework as well as maintaining a 3.0 GPA, -so they know they’re good!!! Competence and confidence in equal measures! (After each class, there were 2 students that stayed after class to fill me in on ‘the way things are here.’) The students want everything to be clear so they can do their very best at all times. I was told that the students expect to make ‘A’s’—no slackers. So teaching is both complicated and simplified by the dialogue regarding my expectations and theirs.

I learned to take long lunches in the SOE faculty lounge just to chat with whoever was there or passing through. I felt like a sponge, soaking up everything I could. The informal communications were indicative of the high level of decision-making and leadership development that guaranteed continuous improvement. They discussed their Accreditation reports and feedback from students; they discussed their areas of expertise: Gifted & Talented, Autism, Adult Learners. (The one critique I will share with them is their overdone work-ethic! I had to tell one Director that there was no law to prevent him from eating while sitting down!)

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